Enter to win an ipad mini from Columbia

We are giving away an iPad mini to the person who submits a photo of a Columbia vehicle in the most interesting/creative/notorious/high profile/unique setting. 

How do you enter?

1. Submit your photo in the comments section below.

2. Follow / Like us on one of our social media platforms.

3. You may enter as many photos as you like, just ensure that each photo contains a different vehicle in a new setting.

4. Be sure to include text which explains any relevant information about the setting in which the photo was taken.

How will the winner be selected?

An independent panel of non partial Columbia employees will be assembled to determine the winner based on a fair and equal evaluation of a photo's merit.

We will also factor in comments that are made about the photo by others, so get your friends to say great things about your photo.

When will the contest end?

After we have too many photos to sort through, or we realize no one is submitting any photos and decide to keep the iPad for ourselves.

Any other rules?

If your photo is selected and we can not find you following us on at least one social media site, we will be forced to select the next "best" photo.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A purchase of any kind will not increase your chances of winning (Although it will greatly increase the amount of affection we have for you and your company).

Here are some samples to get your creative juices flowing.

Santa with a special delivery.


Columbia Ambulance at Alcatraz Island


A Payloader at Work in the Movie Rendition


Elvis in his Harley Davidson Golf Cart


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